Cepheid Studio is moving!

That’s right, I’m on the move! I’ll tell you more about where I’m moving to a bit closer to the time, but right now I’m on a mission to make sure that I’ll be able to fit the contents of Cepheid Studio into the moving truck. This is great news for anyone with a keen eye for a bargain; I have so many lines in the sale that you’ll hopefully be spoiled for choice!


I’ve been monitoring my sock stock levels carefully for the last few months and I reckon I can get most of them into a round number of boxes. This leaves me some ‘overspill’ pairs though which don’t make up a complete box (or ‘packing Tetris’ as I like to think of it), so into the sale go the overspill pairs! You can choose from either astronomy mystery bundles, or crafty mystery bundles.



There is absolutely NO WAY I’ll be able to move these gorgeous constellation prints without accidentally crushing them into oblivion. Please snap one up for every room in your home, and save me some heartache 💔

The shipping rates for these prints to non-European destinations have jumped massively since I launched them (seriously - it now costs nearly €30 to ship one print, and that doesn’t include shipping materials, tax, or time!), so for the moment they’re only available for European shipping. Thanks, La Poste.


Do you know what’s surprisingly heavy? Sticky notes! Sure, they’re small, but lots of small dense things (you’re a small dense thing! Oh no, wait, that’s not appropriate here…) make one big unwieldy box that I absolutely do not want to carry down multiple flights of stairs. BOOM, into the sale they go!


Did you know that it’s against the law* (*not actually true, but I’ll allow it because I’ve clearly lost all copywriting decorum) to get yourself 10 sticky note pads without also ordering matching washi tape and…oh what’s that? There are some overspill rolls of washi tape in the sale which just happen to match the sticky notes? What a coincidence indeed!


If you don’t buy these last few tote bags before I move, I know for a fact I’ll accidentally start using them for packing things into and it really makes no business sense to get high on my own supply. Save me from myself, PLEASE, friends.


Word on the internet is that many parts of the world are opening up again, and that some lucky folk will be allowed to have guests over pretty soon. Time to brighten up your hosting game with a fancy tea towel, I’d say!

Astro ties.png

Astronomical ties have always been a mainstay of my collection, but they really are hard to transport during a studio move. I’d much rather they fly off safely to new homes before I head off to my new place, so into the sale they go!


None of us have been anywhere remotely postcard-worthy lately, but these 3-postcard sets will no doubt trick your friends into thinking you’ve taken a trip to the cosmos. A gutenprank, if you will. Most of these postcard sets contain 3 different postcards which, when arranged correctly, make up a tryptych showing a metric fuckton of constellations. There are, however, a handful of rogue sets with a random collection of postcards in, so you might get three the same, or a two-and-one combination. Rando Calrissian, if you will. I’ve labelled them as such on the drop-down list.


Oof, this has been a LOT of information to convey in one go, so congratulations to all of us for making it this far! I’ll be off to put the kettle on now, but I’ll leave you with a handy link to whisk you off to the full page of the moving sale shop: