Solar Fest 2021

We’re SO PROUD to announce that, as of today, our studio is 100% solar powered! That includes the laser cutter, the label printer, the laptop, you name it!

This has been another one of our long-term goals, and we’re so happy to be able to share the news with you all - from a computer we charged with the solar panel in this photo. SO META!

We bought this one solar panel to test out the system, make sure it works as we hoped, and to make sure the return would be as good as our calculations predicted. And it has surpassed our expectations! We’re really excited about the prospect of augmenting this one panel with up to five more to create an array which should be able to supply our low-consumption, eco-friendly home and studio all year round.

This is another big leap for us in a year already filled with big leaps, so we’ve curated a collection of solar- and solar system-themed products which are currently on sale. The profits from these are very fittingly being invested directly into our new solar panel system, so each time a sun-based item is bought from Cepheid Studio, a bit more solar energy is funded!